Oct 11, 2013


These days everything seems to be about the glamour and glitz, not enough about the INTEGRITY of why we do what we do. No matter what it is you do you should feel you are the best in my eyes, stay humble and true. I read a post earlier that resonated deeply on how I feel and I guess the fear in me is why I never said it. Responses were so true and valid in my eyes as a Fitness Professional it made me realize WITHOUT CONFRONTATION THERE CAN BE NO COMPLIMENT. Who am I to speak on this, I’m just a guy who labels himself FRAZIER FITNESS to many , and to others I’m just a regular personal trainer. You may feel that, but in my world, I am a coach, a mentor , a leader from the front so I can no longer sit back. I feel like the world of personal training, fitness professionals is becoming overly saturated by those who just want to make a buck.. Yes, you may have the physique, may have been a athlete but if that’s the field your going, LEARN from a pro. So many people posting shit on Instagram and Facebook among other outlets that just isn’t valid. Waist trainers ( come on, how many people selling these have a degree in anatomy, or exercise science), people selling supplements left and right lying saying this got them that way and my 1,000 crunches can get you there too.. That’s a bunch of crap.. It takes work to get results, better understanding of nutrition, basal metabolic rate, pre-existing dispositions, injuries, muscular imbalances, biomechanics. That’s not what’s hot though, what’s hot is ab pictures, pictures of glutes and breasts, and the quick fix, but why not the education that many of us fitness professional took the time to earn.. I go above and beyond to give my clients, families, friends, the utmost knowledge and understanding of what will get them to there results, safest, fastest, as well most importantly educated.. I want anybody I interact with to have a sense of pride and conquer all goals but I also want to keep it real, the journey won’t be easy but it will be well worth it.. Any question I can’t answer I have a Rolodex of professionals who know more and I will ask them.. ( not afraid to admit, I don’t know everything as many may think I do) I learn something new everyday. Let’s stop with the facades of the 30 day squat challenge, plank challenge, waist trainer, do this or that because it worked for me , and start really educating our clients.. Also if your calling yourself a yourself that respect and get certified. When I say this I’m not saying it lightly and not meaning a quick-ass Groupon Cert or anything like that. If this is your passion, live it , love it.. I have numerous certs and took away great things from all and implement pieces each day I breath. ( TRX Sports Medicine, Training For Warriors L1, CrossFit L1, CrossFit Mobility, ISSA, NCSF) and that’s not counting my degree I’m Ex Leadership.. Now don’t get me wrong, I know trainers better than me with one cert but man are they educated beyond means. Even the ones who DID NOT go to college to be in the field of Exercise a science initially, and they have taught me well known always tells me, yes it may seem right to some people but..You CAN’T argue with SCIENCE

While your out getting certified I’ll make sure to always be qualified to always bring a breath of fresh air and understanding to the table..I’m just keeping it real because people kept it real with me and kept me on track when I was falling off.. So many resources other than Instagram or ( which does have good info) look into the works of Mike Boyle, Martin Rooney, Dave Tate, Eric Cressy, Gayle Hatch, Glen a Pendlay, Wil Fleming, Billy Beck III, Pavel, Bruce Lee, Lee Haney, Rob King, Bret Contreras, BJ Gaddour and many many more.. Now I am not perfect and I am just speaking my mind but I hope at least 1 person will understand my views and embrace them. My goal is not to offend only educate, motivate, inspire.. We can all be great as we are all put on this earth for a purpose, live your life with fire but live it to the BEST of those abilities.