Jan 3, 2014


2014 we are 3 days in and many people are pushing towards new goals and bettering themselves . Many will push and many will fall but let’s not forget the purpose of our passion and desire to help those who are speaking loud and clear. In my eyes our task is to bring our knowledge and powers together like Fitness superheroes and change lives for the greater. Some of us have been in the game as I call it a very long time and some of us are “Rookie” trainers but we ALL can learn from each other. Let it be taught a new technique or just re-learning how to engage a potential or even a old client to gain there love. We must do this from the front with a undying fire to fuel as many as we can . More and more people are looking to take back there health and we are at the forefront as leaders..this is the rebirth of fitness and I hope you will join me?